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How to Self-Regulate

Self-regulation is a technique that helps you to control a situation before you over-react. Self-regulation is a learned behaviour. Does...

Stressed? 5 Minutes to Relief

If your answer is yes more than 5 of the questions below, it's time to take a break. Are you having difficulty concentrating or staying...

What's your Anchor?

Do you have a habit that keeps you grounded? Do you follow certain routines that balance your life? Where do you go to find your safe or...

Bodyweight is your friend! Really!

No time for a gym workout. Feeling sore after a hike. Your own body is your best friend and can help you strengthen muscles burn fat and...

Feeding Frenzy

It is a well known fact that boredom is the number one culprit to binge eating and late night snacking, so what is the impact of COVID19...

Emotional Stages of Grief and Loss

Stage 1- SHOCK You feel overwhelmed, You suppress your emotions, Everything has lost it's purpose. This feeling could pass quickly or...

Staying motivated while Staying at home

Here are 10 tips to stay motivated and optimistic while experiencing a change of pace. 1) Keep a routine. Wake up and go to bed at a...

Guest post ...Breathwork link

Turn your MMM's to ZZZ's

Three great ways to get a better night's sleep: 1) Increase your Magnesium Food Sources The following foods are good to excellent sources...

7 Solutions To Sugar Cravings

Sugar Craving Solution #1: Check Your Bevvies! Sounds crazy, but sometimes sweet cravings are a sign of dehydration. So pound a glass of...

Blog: Blog2
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