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  • Writer's pictureDonnalee Lee

Emotional Stages of Grief and Loss

Stage 1- SHOCK You feel overwhelmed, You suppress your emotions, Everything has lost it's purpose. This feeling could pass quickly or continue for weeks.

Stage 2 - DENIAL You feel scared. The world seems chaotic. You just want to escape.

You are tempted to use alcohol or drugs or food as comfort.

Stage 3 - ANGER AND GUILT. Your bottled emotions explode. You blame God, others, yourself. The feeling of failure is strongest now.

Stage 4- DESPAIR AND DEPRESSION. You feel helpless and hopeless. You move into isolation and loneliness even with people around you.

Stage 5 - ACCEPTANCE AND RECONSTRUCTION. You quit fighting yourself. You focus on memories and are able to talk and share with others, You find hope. You are able to plan and move forward. You feel at peace and function in your new normal.

All of these stages are normal and necessary to completely process the event of grief and loss, whether it is the passing of a loved one, or a change in job and income or a world pandemic, your mind will go through this process. Take time to journal and record your actions during this time and reach out to those closest to you, or a medical professional if you are finding yourself stuck in a stage that will cause harm to yourself or someone around you.

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